I'm soooo hapi that my model has been the newest hair model for newsea~
and the hair, BlueBird, it's a really nice hair and I luv it sooo much!!!

●●○ 簡單的女生 : 游姿妍(蕾絲後綁小可愛的模特) ○●●
in CAS
姓名: 游姿妍
性別: 女
年齡: TA
頭髮: (長)newsea-sims3-hair-j048-lamb
皮膚: LemonleafA2.5(非替代型)(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_63e832e00101824q.html)
眼睛: Hello Asian Makeup Set 亞洲風格套裝內的眼睛 by Twilight大 (http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6619f6040100hs93.html)
眉毛: Hello Asian Makeup Set 亞洲風格套裝內的眉毛02 by Twilight大(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6619f6040100hs93.html)
眼線: Candy Crush by LadyFrontbum (http://www.ladyfrontbum.com/?p=523)
眼影: EYELINER lowerlashesset by aarin (http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=380414)
腮紅: M Show Powder Brusher by Lemonleaf大 (http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_63e832e00100l4sh.html)
唇彩: Crystal Lipstick N9 樱桃润彩唇膏 by Lemonleaf大 (http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_63e832e00100jfqu.html)
cosmetics are included,
but hair, accessories, clothes are not included
0517 sim file add
*.sim格式(放置於我的文件\Electronic Arts\模擬市民3\SavedSims)
*.sim (put it into "My Document\Electronic Arts\the sims 3\SavedSims")
※caution! sim file includes none of CC, but only the sim.
if you still can't get her in your game, there is nothing I can do.
Sim Download:(sims3pack) (超過一個月故不再提供下載;the download link has already over one month)
(sim) (超過一個月故不再提供下載;the download link has already over one month)
使用方法及注意事項如下(read me please)
*.sims3pack格式(放置於 "我的文件\Electronic Arts\模擬市民3\Downloads"並啟動sims3啟動器安裝)
*.sims3pack (put it into "My Document\Electronic Arts\the sims 3\Downloads" and install by sims3 launcher)
如sims3pack無法安裝, 請轉成package放進Mod夾就可以顯示
If you cannot install the sim3pack into your game,
just convert it
i love this girl! thanks u ♥
回覆刪除<3 很漂亮!!谢谢 ^___^
回覆刪除Really cute!! Thank you
回覆刪除Hi !
回覆刪除She is amazingly pretty, can I have her in sim format please ?
My mail is : mescerises(-at-)gmail(-dot-)com
(I wrote it in a weird way to avoid spamm)
Thanks you !
回覆刪除Oh, what a beautiful sim!
回覆刪除Can I request her in sims3pack foramt, please?
my e-mail is
Thank you!
Has anyone had any luck reaching the creator? I have not... :(
回覆刪除To LadySugar, ohyouprettythings and soyu:
回覆刪除sorry for replying so late!
I was busy and didn't have time to check my mail and blog:|
thanks for your loving and I've sent the sims to you already.
have fun:)
Hello! Can I have the sim3pack form? She is gorgeous!! My email is senou.arisu@hotmail.co.jp.
回覆刪除Thank you so much!!
Dear Danzxncrd, I know that you are not shearing this sim anymore, but I really want to get her in my game. :-´(
回覆刪除She is so beauty and unique. I will be eternally grateful if you share just the sim with me, don´t must to be the sims3pack format. Please.
Hi Danzxncrd, I love all your creation and model is beautiful.
回覆刪除Was wondering if you could send me this file as well if you are not very busy. In a .package file?
Thank you!! domirock88@yahoo.com
Dear Danzxncrd, I love this model and I just want to say, may I please have her?
回覆刪除my e-mail is brad_luke1@hotmail.com.
Thank-you! Much appreciated!
Hello Danzxncrd! I'm really in love with this model, please, you can send it to my email? futchisdelice@hotmail.com
回覆刪除I'll be very grateful! Congratulations on your work, kisses and hugs.
Hi Danzxncrd, I love this model, you can send it to my email? topmodeu@hotmail.com
hey! I love it and i want to download it but I can't. Can u send her to my email? : Mell2188@gmail.com Thnx :]
回覆刪除Hello Danzxncrd! I love this model, you can send it to my email please? feilon@bigmir.net
回覆刪除Hello Danz! Your Sim is gorgeous please send e-mail polina.mela@hotmail.com
回覆刪除This is a wonderful sim! i have been looking all over for this one for months and can'tbelieve it is not available... can you sent it to me? kinga.design@hotmail.com
回覆刪除Thank you
If you still have this sim, could you PLEASE find the time to send it to me? I would be so grateful! <3
回覆刪除maya.cselko@gmail.com (In package or sims3pack)
Thank you xxx
oh my god she..... she is such a beauty
回覆刪除can plese send her for me
thank you for making the sim ^^
btw sorry for bad ing -_-"
Hello There! Would it be possible that you could send it to me? She's Really Adorable!
回覆刪除Highly appreciate it if it's possible >__<
Thank you!
~( > __ < )~
Hey cloud you send her for me? she is beautiful!
Thanks! =^^=
Sweet another beautiful model. Can you send me this model too please ty.
Hi!!! I really like your Model!!
回覆刪除I search for Cute Dancer ..
Sorry my English
Can you send me the Sim link? Thanks
Oh I write also in other your sims model.
Hey, hello :D
回覆刪除Waaaah, she is beautiful ! *o* I like. - Hum and sorry for my english, I'm french n.n" -
Can you send me this model please ? :$
Thank you and congratulations on your work ^_^
Aww~ I want this sim. So pretty~ I want her in my game. Can I?
回覆刪除here my email : jinye_lee@yahoo.com
Thank You if you would share this beautiful sim~
I like very pretty~ very much.
回覆刪除Because you cannot download it, can you send it?
Please.here my email : luca_s__my@livedoor.com
Thank you.
she's so adorable oAo <3
回覆刪除can i have this sim pretty please >_<
tQ <3
She's absolutely goergous! Could you send her to me? i would really appreciate it :)
回覆刪除My mail is:
It's amazing. I want it too. Please send to syn.zack@gmail.com. Thank you!
Yes yes!! Please send her to me as well!! Sqorpio111991{AT}yahoo{DOT}com
回覆刪除(don't want any spam)
Thanks so much!
hi can you please send me too? she's so lovely! i hope it's not too late.
thanks! :3
Is it still possible that you could send me this sim :) she's sooo cute <3
\o Me too!
Can you send me this sim? she's sooo pretty.
I'm having an issue with rayfile is it possible to get the Asian makeup set another way? Thanks
回覆刪除I have everything for this sim but the Asian makeup set and I can't download from rayfile. She just doesn't look the same without it. Does anyone have it or know of another link? Thanks I like this sim and have been really wanting to use her.
回覆刪除Hello, such pretty sim, can i have her too? my email: duckhoa_le@yahoo.com :D thank u
回覆刪除Hi I love this sim can you send her to me? :3
Thank you!
Hi. I have been looking for this sim because I saw it for the Newsea Hair and now I have found her, but the download isn't up! I mean I know you aren't doing emails but pleasssseeeee!! love_jessica2000@yahoo.com !!!!! please email me the download in which ever you prefer!
回覆刪除I truly love her, can you send her?
Thank you very much! :))
please send me this sim, yagiwiraya@gmail.com
回覆刪除OH-MY-GOD she's so cute! Please, please, i want her so much! Pretty please, send her tome on Tsubame1990@gmail.com
回覆刪除Im not sure if my comment posted but my email is trishaalfonso@gmail.com shes the cutest model!